God is on a rescue plan to reconcile and restore his creation through Jesus Christ. God’s plan is pushed forward when broken creatures are made whole in Christ. Jesus, in turn, tasks his followers to spread this message of hope to the world.
It seems crazy that the God of the universe would use broken and fallible people to carry out his work. God shows his power in using his redeemed people to image him to the broken world around them– the church is the agency of God’s Kingdom.
So how does a summer camp fit into the plan of God?
Summer camp can be a valuable tool to help aid churches and push forward the mission of God.
If you’ve ever taken a retreat, you know how rich that time can be. While accomplishing his missionon earth, Jesus often retreated for times of solitude and prayer. A good retreat can bring perspective, focus, clarity, and connection with God.
In the same way, summer camp provides a change in environment that is pregnant with possibilities for the Spirit of God to work.
In an age of over-stimulation, instant gratification, information overload, and distractions vying for our every attention– it’s amazing we give any room for God’s voice.
Summer camp offers a break in routine. For a few short days at camp students leave behind cell phones, Internet, television, gaming, friends, everyday activity, influences, and other environmental factors. This cultural fast often creates a space for students to listen to God speak.

The core of a good camp is a gospel environment where life in Jesus is authentically preached, witnessed, and lived. The structure of the camp day often lends itself to this end with chapel messages, devotions, and times that inspire students, engage thinking and worldview, address heart issues, and provide practical tools to navigate through life as a follower of Christ.
Of course, it wouldn’t be camp without the fun, games, excitement, campfires, cabins, meals, traditions, activities, and all of those little things that make up the memories of summer camp.

With all of her bells and whistles, it is the quality of counselors and staff that make or break a summer camp. A good camp is filled with staff that love Jesus and have put their lives on hold for a summer to speak into the lives of students who are a step or two behind them in life stage. These life-on-life relationships often connect scripture with real life and model what it means to live for Jesus.
Philosophically, a poorly designed Christian camp will function outside of the church and create only an individual and emotional experience. A good camp will recognize that God’s plan is carried out through his people, as the church, and will work to support the church and connect students to local church bodies.

Time and time again, God uses the environment, people, and experiences of summer camp to draw students to himself and change lives for an eternity. Real Kingdom impact is seen as summer camps proclaim Jesus and partner with churches to accomplish God’s mission in his world for his Kingdom’s sake.