Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Smitty on TBN

Last night was a pivotal night for me.
I was crashing on my parents couch and I decided to see what was on the Television at nearly 1AM. My goal was to scan the major networks up to about channel 20 (the Korean network) in one swift move to see what sort of programs play on a Sunday night and get an idea at what sort of audience Television is marketing to at that hour (that's actually how my brain works & I realize I am a nerd for it).

At about channel 18 I heard very familiar music from an 80's genre- though the images were unfamiliar. Clearly the song was in an instrumental power ballad segment- I immediately thought of Def Leppard and the like.. but no, this was more familiar than those sorts of songs and felt closer to my heart.
The images flashed between the Christ being beaten and a man wearing distinct 80's clothing. The man wore tight blue jeans, a white T-Shirt, and a vest over the shirt. He had a mullet and his face looked like it had a few days without a razor. When the chorus kicked in- it hit me... Smitty.
That's right, Michael W. Smith.

My first instinct was to laugh.
My second instinct was to turn the channel.
Instead, my thumb froze and I won the staring contest between me and the Television set.

The station was TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) and the song was "Secret Ambition."
In all, I watched four Michael W. Smith videos back-to-back. I would have watched more too- only the program took a turn and showed Michael Sweet (of Stryper) and Sinbad (of terrible comedy) sharing their favorite verses from Scripture (Isaiah 53:5 and Romans 8:33, respectively).

Smitty was in fine form. He flailed his arms, eyed the camara, and shook his fist. Such passion. I was able to look past the gestures and clothing which seem so funny today (so much so that I wonder why they weren't funny 20 years ago?!) and listen to the lyrics. What a good message.
"Secret Ambition" was followed by "Place in this World" and I remembered how me & every other kid in America was sure he was looking for his "face" in this world. Still, I was able to look past the mishap and was sobered by the message.

The MWS montage ended with "Give It Away"- which was not a musical video as much as live footage from an indoor concert in the early 90's. I looked at the awkward looking youth in the crowd starring at a slightly more mature Michael Smith who had lost his mullet. There's a very good chance that I was one of those awkward kids in that audience. You see, the first concert I ever went to was Michael W. Smith/DC Talk in 1993.
Having older siblings, I was already dialed into Michael's music. I endured DC Talk as the opener... but I was there to see Smitty. As I grew older and my musical taste progressed, I quickly grew ashamed of my 1st concert experience- so much so that I often negate this information when others speak of the subject. If I do mention that I willingly and eagerly went to a Michael W. Smith concert, most people laugh.

I don't know what happened to me last night... but I am Once Again a True Believer in Michael W. Smith. I'm out of the closet and I am not ashamed to say that I really like Michael W. Smith. For what was happening at the time, the music that was available, and the things he did- Michael W. Smith really impresses me and I am proud to say that his was the first concert I ever went to (thank you Nathan Gapper).

As I sat on my parents couch I was sad to see his last video play. Sinbad stopped speaking, the picture moved to a Station ID, I powered down the remote and went to bed with a smile.
I love Smitty.

Monday, August 27, 2007

a Christian education=Automatic Debt

I just dropped off my youngest cousin at Westmont last week. It is her freshman year. My aunt & uncle were strong as they said goodbye to their youngest. Hayley is for sure to have a great time and a great experience at Westmont. I pray for her and that God would grow her into the young lady that he wants her to be. Tim and Debbie (my aunt and uncle) are scheduled to pay $38,000 a year for the next 4-5 years. This amazes me.

I can't quite understand how Christian schools can ethically charge this much for tuition. It simply amazes me. It doesn't matter what Christian school you choose to go to. Invariably, you are looking at plus or minus $120,000 in school loans by the end of your time there. I really don't know when this became okay.
It's as if all of the sudden if you are a young person who wants to get a Christian education and get trained for the ministry you are looking at immediate debt. The trade off doesn't seem fair.

Little selfless plug time- Eternity Bible College (where I teach Theology and Hermeneutics) is a smaller/newer Christian institution that is looking at the current trend of cost in Christian education and coming up with creative and healthy ways to train young persons for the ministry and graduate them without debt and ready to do God's work in the Church and the world... because of their funding and faculty choices, classes run around $50 per unit (you can check out the link to their site). How about that for selfless plug time?

But seriously, something needs to be done about Christian education. Since when did a Christian education mean automatic debt? This brings up other questions to my mind.. but I will ask these in my next blog. I've got to go for now. just wanted to toss that out on the table for you to chew on. If you've got any thoughts in this area of where we are in Christian education, how we got here, and how we can think this is okay- let me know.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

God's Aseity

God's aseity (pronounced "uh-say-ity") is one of the most foundational aspects of a Theistic worldview. Derived from the Latin "a se," meaning "of or from himself," aseity underlines God's eternal self-existence. The Greeks called it "Autotheos-" the idea that God is God of or by himself. In other words, God is the primary force and is not a derivative of any other force, action or happenstance (John 5:26; Romans 11:36).

God's independence is also found in the self-declaration of his name. In Exodus 3:14 Moses asks for God's name and the Lord replies, "YHWH-" which is rendered "I AM WHO I AM," or, "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE." In either case, it is sure that God's personhood and existence is determined by him & him alone.

The Aseity of God elicits a response of worship from created to Creator:
1- that God is not like a man that he was created
2- that God is the beginning and sustainer of life
3- that God is a personal & unique God to be worshiped by his creation

"...From everlasting to everlasting, You are God." -Psalm 90:2

Thursday, August 2, 2007

dinner prayer follow up

Michael, the young boy who prayed before Tuesdays dinner, gave his life to the Lord tonight.
He heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ- it pricked his heart unlike it ever had before & he responded in faith.

Just 2 days ago he was tugging on the camp director's shirt asking to pray before every meal. Tonight he was broken before the Lord and praised God for a salvation that was previously unrecognized.

On Tuesday I asked Michael what he meant by his prayer when he said, God "...Thank you for us. & thank you for them." He said "us" were Christians and "them" signified unbelievers. I guess that in a weird sort of way- Michael was really praying for himself in the "them" category. But tonight he transferred teams from "them" to "us."

Does anybody else find it weird that we raise our kids, teach them to pray, & most likely we have little unregenerate souls praying to a God they don't know/have offended/and are at odds with?

I don't know how God works, but I praise him for this boy's profession of faith in Christ. Michael was among 13 or so junior high students this evening who confessed Jesus Christ as their King & Savior for the first time.