"Look how gorgeous that is!"
"It makes me fall more in love with God."
Josh & I spoke as we began our snow jog.
After a full day of driving we arrived in Breckenridge, Colorado. The mountains were dark as we pulled into the cabin. We found our beds and fell fast asleep. When morning came we decided to go for a run up the mountain. I had asked Josh if he wanted to run uphill, to which he replied, "It's more like running up MOUNTAIN." Touche.
We ran on the roads & the packed snow crunched under our feet. It was a funny sensation. The sun shone brightly & the snow blinded our eyes. I squinted my eyes & looked off to the distance. It was actually painful to look at the snow! I had never experienced anything like this before. Beautiful snowbanks turned into piercing needles. In a puzzled wince I began to think... is this what it means to be white as snow?
Some of the snowbanks along the side of the road were whiter than I had ever seen white before. Couple that with the blazing morning sun reflecting off of this pure white canvas. It was brilliant, yet I could not gaze at it directly.
In what sense are a sinner's sins made white as snow? The fact is, sin is ugly. In and of themselves, they would certainly not be considered "white as snow." How can this term apply to sin?
I looked for an answer as I stared at the snow. It wasn't the snow so much that hurt my eyes... it was the reflection of the sun's light. That's when my mind switched. The focus was the sun & the impact the sun had when reflecting off of the snow.
In the same way, a sinner's sins are made white as snow in light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
In fact, the term "white as snow" is applied to Jesus Christ in several places (Daniel 7:9; Matthew 28:3; Revelation 1:14). This term underlies Jesus' glory, absolute purity, and perfection.
"White as snow" is applied to our sins as they are seen through the glory of Christ and his work on the cross. We are seen as perfectly blameless when the perfection & glory of Christ reflects and burns brilliant on us. We are white as snow in light of the Son of God.
In this way, God reconciles a rebellious child unto himself.
For further study, read:
Isaiah 1; 1 Peter 2; and, Romans 5
This is very cool. You are right! As we ask for forgiveness, God makes us white as snow & that enables His light to shine in us for all to see.:) It's blinding!
that is great! I love the outdoors. As well, I hope your Christmas was a great blessing.
Well, well, well. Nice to hear or should I say see your voice on my blog...Would love to grab coffee and good conversation if you have the time.
So are you going to follow up? LOL. I hope you're well. I wanted to let you know that Random House picked up my book on jazz. A different project then you knew about. Dream realized.
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