-i started my trip on FLY AWAY where i met an old Mormon surfer who liked to say "shit" a lot. he was w/ his 11 year old son & they were flying to Puerta Vallarta for Thanksgiving.
-i've packed 2 T-shirts, 1 long-sleeved shirt, 1 pair of pants (whose legs come off to form shorts), & 1 set of board shorts... i have my bible, a map, and my journal. that's ALL i've got & it's all in 1 small backpack.
2day was nuts/went fast: i woke at 12:20PM, got to the bank b4 1PM to get $300 cash for my trip, hit up Subway for lunch & made calls to make sure sunAM at church goes well when i'm not there, went to target & longs for toiletries etc, hit up Urgent Care for a tetnis shot, Kohl's for underwear (my wash wasn't done!), then i packed my bags, printed off the Costa Rica (CR) bus schedule & my ticket itinerary, and made it to fly away by 8:15PM and was able to catch the 8:30 bus.
i'm at wolfgang pucks outside of my terminal @ LAX about to enjoy my Margharet pizza =]
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