RIGHT NOW i'm sitting at an empty bar somewhere south of Quepos near Manuel Antonio. TODAY was a day. DEEP i know, but it's seemed like a week.
Woke up in Fortuna, grabbed continental breakfast & caught my 8:45 Jeep-Boat-Jeep trip to Monteverde. I met a couple from LA about my age- Matt & Melissa- we would become good friends. Weather overcast. Got onto the boats & it was drizzly, couldn't see the Volcano

Matt & Melissa said they had a good tip-off on a great hostel in Monteverde- the Good Sleep Sleeper Cheaper (haha!), so i thought i'd join them. turns out they had no more private rooms (only dormitory which a European girl was in)- so i asked the guy about other places he pointed to the CASA TRANQUILO across the street. that place ROCKS! shared bath/shower, but the rooms were cool and David & Elena- the owners were way cool w/ their 2yr old son Joshua.

Met a Taiwanese Thomas, Garry & Rory from Ireland, & Anikka from Germany on the tour. The tour was GREAT! our 3 guides ("los tres monos" as i affectionately called them) Dennis & bro Danny and Miguel were very cool. 17 platforms & 4 Major traverses over ravines (400+ meters... the last one 750meters!) plus a 70ft rappel drop & a Tarzan swing. the 5 of us & 3 guides bonded & spoke of grabbing drinks in town later that night & we exchanged names 4 facebook.
i got back to Tranquilo dripping wet, looked out my window & saw the grayline bus outside the sleeper cheaper. i still didn't have a ride worked out to get to the Pacific, so i ran to check it out & to look for Matt & Melissa... found out they were on the bus & it was headed to Jaco- i asked if there was room. the driver said, "yes $45." i asked if Quepos was okay (it's further south), he said hurry- i said 5min.
i ran to Tranquilo, packed my stuff, checked out & paid for 1 night (only $10) & caught the Grayline =] i was sad not to get to know David & Elena more. & sad not to share a beer w/ the 2 irish lads & Anikka. when the Grayline was out my window i solved my ride sich & i realized i did what i came to Monteverde for- a zip line cloud forest/rain forest tour. Plus it was miserably drizzly & cold. on the bus Matt & Melissa were SO glad to leave. turns out the sleeper cheaper wasn't so hot and the wet & cold pissed them off. a Brit from London named Tom hopped on the bus & shared the same sentiments.
Tom & i are now sharing a room near Manuel Antonio... the last one in a town where everything is shut down. Tom is a lawyer & seems like a nice guy.
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